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  • Writer's pictureAndrew Irving

Meet your new AATF-WI Board

Every two years, there's a bit of a shake-up on the board of the AATF-WI. The President Elect becomes President, the President becomes Past President, and the Past President rotates off.

In our November membership meeting at WAFLT, we voted to keep our Secretary/Treasurer on board, and we were looking forward to electing our new President Elect at the same time but there were no candidates on the slate. A new President Elect candidate finally stepped up and was officially appointed to the board (as per our by-laws) in January.

Also at that November meeting, we extended our gratitude to a board members who has worked tirelessly for the AATF-WI and its members.

AATF-WI is a better place thanks to Kara Torkelson (Wausau West/East High School). She spent a total of six years on the board moving from President Elect, to President, to Past President. During that time, Kara brought unbounded enthusiasm, a talent for networking, and a vast working knowledge of our organization, of WAFLT, of our neighboring chapters, and of AATF national. Her participation and leadership were greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in learning more about the AATF-WI board, please get in touch ( We'd love to hear from you!

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